Welcome to the last week of October! Another month that came and went in record time.
With the return of the "new week, new shop" series this week, I'm excited to introduce you all to
Sky Parlor - a vintage shop on Etsy run by the most fun and interesting couple! Sit back and enjoy the interview with Ranessa and Jason, including a whole bunch of photos. Once you're done reading, check out everything that is available in their shop
right here.
#1 - Who is behind skyparlor? Please introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about your vintage Etsy shop.The dust bodies behind Sky Parlor are lovers Ranessa Allen (29) & Jason Moore (24). Sky Parlor was sprung into birth due to our mutual love of treasure junking whether it be thrift stores, salvage yards, estate sales, or antique shops. It is quite strange though, because neither of us like our home environment to be cluttered-we try and keep a minimalist yet eclectic look-so rather than continue to purchase things for our own keeping(which believe you me, is quite difficult) we decided to open up Sky Parlor to let our obsession run rampant without having to live in a perpetual treasure junk land. We chose the name Sky Parlor because of its 1940s origin- sky parlor is a jalopy way of referring to an “attic”. We found it appropriate.
#2 - What catches your eye as a good addition for the shop while shopping? Are you drawn to certain colors / certain eras / certain type of goods?Well, we would have to say it depends on our mood. If we wake up feeling nautical, we are going to go on a determined venture to find some driftwood, or a seafaring captain's hat. There are days that are golden , where we find lovely peculiars at random- but it seems as though there is always a common thread that unites our purchases for a day, whether it be color, decade, or sheer oddity. We also like to ensure that everything we choose is mutually selected. There is a split of “okay, you pick your 5 treasures, and I pick mine”. we have never left empty handed! I couldn't bare to trudge home with a desire unfulfilled. I suppose ultimately you can say that we find ourselves resuscitating things that may be on their last breath so that others can enjoy them with an eye of renewed beauty.
#3 - Do you collect anything for yourself - something we won't find in your shop because you're keeping it?The question we would have answered even if it hadn't of been asked! You have no idea how difficult it is to part with our findings. Know this: everything that we purchase for Sky Parlor is something that we want for ourselves! Our style code is so multi-dimensional that we feel that we will be able to net up people on all points of the spectrum. When we return from a shopping venture, we find a place for each item in our home. When guests come over, it is literally as if everything in our home is for sale! We find that if we are able to display the items, we are in some way allowed to revel in our quasi-ownership of them. It also aides us in not having to scramble to find an item once it is sold-it is simply right there-whether it be atop the mantle, or residing on the wall. We do, however, have a trunk for an over accumulation of junk-things that just won't fit in with our decor-as I mentioned before, we try to maintain a spacious environment that flows.

#4 - Many customers praise your packaging in your feedback. Would you be willing to share some secrets to your packaging? What makes it stand out in the minds of your customers?Well, we attempt to treat each package as one would an overly doted upon child-we spoil it. We also draw up our own version of a letter of authenticity-much like you would receive at an auction. We tie in bits of truth with fantastical fiction and abracadabra!-the customer has a lovely backstory for their newly found friend. We feel that this might be what our patrons delight in the most. It is all so very personalized.
#5 - Skyparlor has gained significant success in the short time since it opened. [Congrats!] Any tips or advice for others who would like to start up their own Etsy shop?Well, we know from our own standpoint that passion is essential. When someone has a fiery passion, they want an outlet for it. When one has a desire to paint, you need canvas. When one has a desire to make music, one needs a voice, an instrument. We have a strong desire to build a junk empire-and Etsy has been our canvas, our instrument to do so.

Special thanks to Ranessa and Jason for giving us a glimpse into
Sky Parlor! If you are now a fan of their shop or enjoyed peaking into their home, be sure to leave a quick comment for Ranessa and Jason.